Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Let's Talk About Yesterday

First of all, I decided to go to the park by myself. I knew I wanted to visit my roommate at her attraction and get a picture with her so I made my way over there. Then I ate lunch and went on Radiator Racers by myself. It's pretty nice going alone because you can choose what you want to do and go your own pace.

Yesterday was officially the best day of work so far. To start it was only a four hour shift and get this...it started at 10:45 PM! It was really odd starting that late and when we got on the cast shuttle the bus was pretty vacant besides the maintenance guys who work 3rd shift overnight. It just seemed really strange. Once we got there, however, it felt like an normal night. I was asked to start Go Backs (putting back items that guest didn't want) and then a lead came over and was looking for people to help with A Kiss Goodnight. I was supposed to go on registers, but I made it really apparent that I would rather help with the Goodnight. And my wishes came true and I was told to meet in front of the arcade registers. We all got to wear a Mickey glove and went out in the street and waved goodnight. Then we made a little arch that people ran through and gave high fours. 

It was probably one of the most fun things I've ever done at work and I was grinning the whole time. The guests were absolutely loving it and I've never been more happy to work here. I was awarded a Four Keys card for helping make magic. Then later that night I was helping other coworkers wrap mugs and bag items and one of the cashiers rewarded me with another Four Keys card. Two in one night!! I was so ecstatic. It was overall an incredible night.

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